02. Pre-Notebook

Notebooks: Intro to PyTorch

Time to get started building networks with PyTorch! We've prepared a set of eight notebooks that lead you through building deep neural networks in PyTorch. Work your way through the notebooks completing the exercises as best as you can. Feel free to check out our solutions both in the videos and in the solution notebooks, but remember that it's super important that you type in the correct code yourself. If you want to learn how to do this, you have to write in the code yourself, understand what every line of the code is doing, and get everything to work properly yourself. Please use our solutions only to guide your learning.

It's suggested that you open these notebooks in a new, working tab and continue working on it as you go through the instructional videos in this tab. This way you can toggle between learning new skills and coding/applying new skills.

To open the notebooks, you have two options:

  • Go to the next page in the classroom (recommended).
  • Clone the repo from Github and open the Jupyter notebooks in the new-intro-to-pytorch folder.